The Ikigai Incubator


What is this template about?

This template is about helping you find a massive challenge to solve that you're passionate about and creating an irresistible offer so that you can get paid to do what you love and turn work into play.

What does it help you achieve?

It helps you achieve your goal of quitting your job and being your own boss while getting paid to do what you love.

Who would benefit from it the most?

Aspiring entrepreneurs who feel stuck in a job they don’t enjoy and are looking for a simple and proven way to escape.

How to use it?

Follow the frames one-by-one and complete the steps.


Darren Hoffmann-Marks image
Darren Hoffmann-Marks
Head Coach@The Ikigai Incubator
We offer cutting-edge peak performance and business research to help people escape jobs they despise to become happy and successful entrepreneurs.
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