Queen Retrospective



A traditional retrospective template with a rock music theme featuring Queen.


This template is perfect for any agile team, especially those looking to reinvigorate their retro because they have become less useful.


This is to be used to facilitate a team's retrospective each sprint.


  • Create a new board with the template.

  • As the facilitator, familiarize yourself with the example board. You can leave this as an example for the team or remove it ahead of time (you may need to unlock it first to remove it).

  • During the retrospective, direct the team to focus on the four Queen songs one by one. Start with the first song and allow the team to add sticky notes with feedback in a set amount of time. To timebox it, play each of the songs outloud from YouTube or some other service.

  • Once the time is up, talk about the feedback and move to the next prompt.

  • At any time, team members can give shoutouts to others in the "Who Topped the Chart" section.


Tyler Latshaw image
Tyler Latshaw
Technical Business Analyst@WebstaurantStore
I am an Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) with experience leading teams ranging from a few members to over two dozen at a major e-commerce website. My experience includes working with development teams as a ScrumMaster, business analyst, and a product owner. I hold a bachelor's degree in information systems and a master's degree in IT management. Awards: Miro Creator of the Year Hall of Fame Nominee for 2023; Most Copied Creator for June 2023; Templates Challenge Winner for September 2023
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